We've grown kid-sized tennis from the ground up . . . and now we're improving early childhood literacy!
Since 2009, QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia (QCV), an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) public charity, has taken the kid-sized QuickStart Tennis "play to learn" format to 31 formerly underserved counties and cities in central and southside Virginia. Our goal is to create happy, healthy, active and literate kids in the communities we serve.
We've moved, added a name, have a new logo and extended our reach to promote literacy & tennis!!!
QuickStart Children of Virginia
now based in Williamsburg, VA

We're still QuickStart Tennis of Central VA in our original 28-county service area and QuickStart Children of Virginia everywhere else.
Racquets for Reading!!! tops 11,000 kids since we kicked it off in November 2020! We emphasize nutrition and life skills with Go Bananas for QuickStart! cards and materials and promote childhood literacy for preschoolers and kindergartners with book giveaways and book grants -- all in the FUN QuickStart way. We receive awesome thank-yous from the schools we serve like this slide show from Central Elementary in Fluvanna County.
QCV is also an advocate for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (DPIL). Four years ago only two of our counties had DPIL programs and there were only 13,700 kids enrolled in programs scattered around the state. Now there are 24 QCV counties with DPIL and more in the works. 73,000+ kids are enrolled statewide and the State funds 50% of the program costs! Lots of work done. Lots more to do . . .
Want to get involved?

Want to be a great adult?
Play tennis! Read books!
Eat healthy! Have FUN!!!
Be a QuickStart kid!
We keep score!!! In September 2008 there was one "pilot" school in Albemarle County (Greer ES). Today there are 215 QuickStart schools with tennis in PE classes in 28 counties and 3 independent cities reaching 101,000 kids in central and southside Virginia!!! We have deepened our impact with BrightSTARS -- Tennis for Me! in a dozen schools so far. Plus we've taken tennis to PE classes in another 37 schools with 16,000 students in communities outside our service area.
Through local community partnerships we can get QuickStart Tennis going just about anywhere!!! Let us know if we can help in your community.

Original Service Area: Counties: Albemarle, Amelia, Appomattox, Brunswick, Buckingham, Campbell, Charlotte, Charlottesville (City), Culpeper, Cumberland, Danville (City), Dinwiddie, Fluvanna, Franklin, Greene, Greensville, Halifax, Henry, Louisa, Lunenburg, Madison, Martinsville (City), Mecklenburg, Nelson, Nottoway, Orange, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Rappahannock

QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.