QuickStart Pathway Pointer
QCV's QuickStart Pathway Pointer is designed to help parents direct their children to appropriate QuickStart Tennis programming and events on the 10 and Under Tennis Pathway. Older beginners and players will be able to find QuickStart Tennis opportunities as well.

Learning the "sport for a lifetime" for kids 10 and under is a progression of:
Age-appropriate instruction
Size-appropriate equipment and courts
Skill-appropriate steps
Playing to learn
Having more FUN!
With the QuickStart Tennis format, kids can develop motor skills and racquet skills very quickly. A seven year-old can learn to hit like a ten year-old, but emotionally the child is still seven and should be treated as such. No need to push with the QuickStart "play to learn" format. The physical and emotional skills will develop naturally. Please point your child to age-appropriate programs, events and play opportunities using the QuickStart Pathway Pointer.
My child is 3 to 4 years-old. Click HERE. FREE USTA membership for 10U kids through 12/31/2015
My child is 5 to 6 years-old. Click HERE. Click here.
My child is 7 to 8 years-old. Click HERE.
My child is 9 to 10 years-old. Click HERE.
My child is 11 or older. Click HERE.
Find a QuickStart PRO. Click HERE.
For information about tennis activities for all ages, visit the Charlottesville Tennis website -- a public service since 1998 and the best tennis resource in town!

Keep a Kid on the QuickStart Pathway!