Neighborhood QuickStart . . . tennis in your own backyard!
Some neighborhoods are fortunate to have tennis courts for their residents or public courts just around the corner. Other neighborhoods are near locations with large parking lots that can be turned into QuickStart courts with little effort. Cul-de-sacs make great courts too! The Neighborhood QuickStart campaign helps get QuickStart programming going at these "pocket" locations.
In neighborhoods with courts and community or homeowner associations, QuickStart programming can be run under the auspices of the association. At public courts, local Parks & Recreation Departments or schools can run programming. If you're lucky enough to have a tennis court in your backyard, you can offer QuickStart to kids in your neighhood.
QCV doesn't want a single tennis court to go unused!
If you interested in starting QuickStart programming in your "backyard," email:
Neighborhood Programs
Fontana (est. 2010)
Xandy Johnson,
Lake Monticello (est. 2009)
Lynn Forsyth,
Peacock Hill (est. 2011)
Barbara Cross,
Fontana QuickStart
Peacock Hill's First QuickStart Session: "It went great! My husband got the courts dry just in time for our 8:30 start time. This was just session one and I am already impressed with the program seeing how well thought out it is. The children had so much fun and did not want to stop. There were pictures taken and I will send along later . . . So wonderful to see activity on our courts. I may have five (tennis-playing) teens to take the next training in June." -- Barb Cross, May 2011
